Born during the month of May 1991 in Danville, IL, USA but aligns with being a humble citizen of Earth. Living, studying, and working in Chicago, IL at the moment. They are currently in the progress of finishing a Bachelor’s of Art in Art with a concentration on Studio Practices at the University of Illinois at Chicago, with expected graduation in May of 2023. Interdisciplinary artist and experimentor. They are a nomadic priestess with a philosophical high-tech eco-futuristic mindset. They have high hopes of helping people achieve the best version of themselves while working towards a better society and world.
Also known as saturnskin, faulty priestess, baeporeon, [one portion of] .(psy)che, Berry, and Sappho.

Artist Statement

Leeandria “LeeLoo” Marie Rose (°1991, Danville, IL, United States)  currently living and working in Chicago, IL. I am an artist who works in a variety of media with concentrations in creative writing, musical composition, and mixed media art. I often create intense personal moments meant to evoke emotions and complicated thoughts by any means possible.… Continue reading Artist Statement

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